Exporting TSV or Google Sheets formatted metadata for multiple objects
To export TSV or Google Sheets-based metadata for multiple objects, we recommend using the export_nuxeo function in nuxeo_spreadsheet.
Exporting Nuxeo XML Metadata for individual objects
To export records for an individual object, locate the object in the Nuxeo interface and then select the “Export Options” function from the toolbar.
You then have the option to select the “XML Export," comprising the metadata in the source Nuxeo XML format.
Exporting Excel formatted metadata for multiple objects
You can export metadata for a single object or multiple objects (limited to the first 1,000 objects in a given project folder), in Excel format.
First, follow the instructions for selecting all of the relevant metadata fields that you’d like to include in the Excel export, using the Spreadsheet View feature.
Once you’ve selected the fields and they are displaying in the content view, select the “Excel Export” option to generate the Excel file.