Simple and complex objects of any type can be edited in bulk as long as they exist in the same project folder, are children of the same parent complex object, or appear in the same search result set.
In each of these cases, there is a content listing displaying the contents of the project folder, complex object, or search result set. From this content listing, select the relevant objects for editing. The bulk edit form includes all the fields in the metadata scheme for an object.
It is important to note that the process does not add new content to pre-existing metadata within a given field. It instead replaces the entire contents of the existing field (as well as any repeated instances of the field, or subfields) with the new metadata provided
Some Notes on Selecting Objects and Pagination
If there are many objects in your project folder, complex object, or search result set you’ll notice that they don’t all appear on one page. In order to see all the objects, you will have to paginate through the content listing via the forwards and backwards arrows above and below the content listing. Select a larger number of objects to be shown per page from the drop down at the top right labeled ‘Items/page’. The default value is 20.
Selecting an object is maintained while you paginate - ie, if you select the third object on the first page and the fifth object on the second page, both objects will remain selected for bulk editing. In order to select all objects on a given page, use the select all checkbox - located in the header of the content view next to ‘Title’. This checkbox will only select objects on a given page, though. To select all objects in a given project folder, increase the number of objects displayed per page to 50 (the maximum setting) and then paginate through, checking the select all checkbox on each page of 50 objects.
Object are deselected as soon as you navigate to a different project folder, or into an object.