Publishing objects from Nuxeo to Calisphere is handled through a metadata harvesting process. Your Collection Administrator can initiate harvests for collections in Nuxeo that are ready for publication using our "Harvest and Re-Harvest Requests" form (see below).

Metadata Requirements

In order to be harvested, the following metadata must be present in each record. Note that default values for Type, Copyright Status and/or Copyright Statement can optionally be supplied and applied to individual metadata records at the time they are harvested, using the Collection Registry:

  • Main Content File
  • Title
  • Type
  • Copyright Status and/or Copyright Statement

Defining Collections to Harvest from Nuxeo

Harvesting from Nuxeo into Calisphere works on a collection-by-collection basis. By "collection," we mean a group digital objects which are hosted in the same Project Folder in Nuxeo, and which you’d like to appear together as a set within the Calisphere interface.

Your Collection Administrator can edit or create new entries in our Collection Registry administrative interface (requires login), which we use to run harvests. Each entry in the Collection Registry contains basic information about the collection that will be displayed in Calisphere (such as title and description).

Objects associated with a given collection must be organized within a Project Folder. (The Project Folder can, in turn, have nested Project Folders; in this scenario, all of the objects within the nested Project Folders will also be harvested).

Calisphere harvests "service copies" derived from the "main file" uploaded to Nuxeo–these "service copies" are smaller file formats aimed to support web performance. For more information on filetypes, please see our "Creating Objects" page.

Conducting a Harvest from Nuxeo to Test Calisphere Environment, QA, and Publication

Contact us, using the form below, to initiate a harvest (or re-harvest) of a collection from Nuxeo to Calisphere. We'll then run a harvest of your collection to a test Calisphere environment, where we can collectively preview and perform quality assurance (QA) on the items.  If we identify errors, we'll confer with you on fixing them -- and will re-harvest to the test Calisphere environment to see the updated results.

If everything looks OK in the testing environment, we'll ask for your approval to publish the records in Calisphere. Once the objects are published in Calisphere, the changes will subsequently be reflected on the DPLA website.

Bonus Step: Add Custom Filters to your Published Digital Collection

Digital collections on Calisphere are published with two default filter options: Type of Item (e.g., image, text, audio, etc.) and Decade (e.g., 1910s, 1920s). Interested in adding custom filter selections to your collection? Learn more about Defining Custom Filters in Digital Collections...