Updating or Adding to Collections in Calisphere -- new web form to easily submit your requests!

Posted over 4 years ago by Christine Kim

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Christine Kim Admin

Updating or adding to collections? We understand that your digital collections evolve; items are added and deleted and metadata changes. Our aim is to reflect changes to your collections as quickly as possible in Calisphere. We also aim to make it as easy as possible for you to let us know -- we've updated our instructions to include a web-form to help streamline these details!

On a related note, if you have an urgent request to remove an item and/or related metadata, please contact us. Here are some details on what we need to know.

Finally, if you are considering or are in-process of migrating your digital collections management system, or updating your website or item page URLs, please let us know. We'd like to strategize with you so that your Calisphere item pages continue to resolve back to your collections, enabling researchers to continue finding their research materials. More information is available!

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions, requests, or would like to strategize about new and ongoing initiatives -- we'd love to hear from you. Thanks!

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