Finding aid display issue (additional data included in the EAD Export, for ArchivesSpace users)

Posted about 1 year ago by Christine Kim

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Christine Kim Admin

ArchivesSpace v3.4.0 EAD Export and Finding Aid Display Issue

A recent ArchivesSpace update (beginning with version 3.4.0) has introduced additional data in the EAD export, resulting in <unitid type=”aspace_uri”>[uri]</unitid> data in the exported file. This update impacts EAD files that are exported from ArchivesSpace and published to the Online Archive of California, as the “aspace_uri” data gets published in the public finding aid.

Example of internal URI or ID data displaying in a published finding aid in OAC.

ArchivesSpace has confirmed this as an intentional feature added in v3.4.0, as indicated in the release notes and initially scoped in this feature request: “As a staff user, I would like to have resource/archival_object uri's included in the EAD export.”


New ArchivesSpace feature request submitted: Several finding aid contributors have since requested to suppress this internal data from publication in the OAC. We have submitted a new feature request to refine the recent ArchivesSpace feature addition to optionally include/exclude the <unitid> uri data in the EAD export. In this request, we propose that when staff users click the "Download EAD" button, to include a new additional checkbox option to “include/exclude the <unitid> record URI” alongside the existing "Include unpublished" and "Include <dao> tags" checkbox options already in this dropdown list.

Temporary ArchivesSpace workaround: In the meantime, the ArchivesSpace community offers a workaround to suppress the <unitid type="aspace_uri"> data from the EAD export within the ArchivesSpace application. Essentially, this update would revert the new EAD export update, resulting in the export data experience prior to the changes introduced in the v3.4.0 update. Please see the comment: [October 31, 2023].

Please also feel free to upvote this feature request, as well as provide comments on your use cases and experiences.

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