"Toward a National Archival Finding Aid Network": Action Plan + Webinar on 12/18 @ 1:00pm

Posted over 5 years ago by Adrian Turner

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Adrian Turner
Adrian Turner Admin

We are pleased to share the following action plan, which represents the culmination of "Toward a National Archival Finding Aid Network" (NAFAN) -- a one-year (October 2018-September 2019) planning initiative convened by the CDL, with the participation of representatives from multiple regional finding aid aggregations, and input from expert advisors: https://bit.ly/action-plan-nafan

At the heart of the action plan are recommendations for and principles to guide next steps to implement a sustainable national-level finding aid network, based on a phased, incremental approach that: moves this effort from a research and demonstration project to a program; is informed by a research agenda; and, from the outset, includes work to establish business and governance models that fit the infrastructure and service model and are grounded in the community’s organizational and financial capacity. For additional background on NAFAN and work leading to the action plan, see the project wiki.

Join us on December 18 at 1:00 PM for a webinar reviewing the outcomes of the “Towards A National Finding Aid Network” planning initiative and our plans for OAC in relation to those outcomes.

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Wednesday, December 18 at 1:00 PM

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Adrian Turner

Adrian Turner posted about 5 years ago Admin

A recording of our 12/18 webinar is now available.

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