Nuxeo extent stats--2022 reports now available

Posted over 2 years ago by Christine Kim

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Christine Kim Admin

Updated Nuxeo extent statistic reports, starting with a snapshot of extent tallies as of September 16, 2022, are now available in the Admin project folder, within Nuxeo itself. The Admin project folder includes a directory for each campus, and the files containing extent stats data are arranged by the year.

Note that the pre-2022 Nuxeo extent stats counted files in the Nuxeo trash (i.e., stored in a "trashed state" in Nuxeo). The current stats generation process was recently improved so that it would no longer count files in the Nuxeo trash in the extent data. However, we have identified that the Nuxeo API (used for report generation, as Nuxeo does not have built-in reporting) does not always accurately account for objects deeply nested within many layers of project folders; hence there may be some undercounting of objects. 

We have an escalated support ticket with Nuxeo to address this problem, but recognizing the timely need for these reports, we have worked to mitigate this issue in the current reports by programmatically and manually reviewing them, iterating on our queries until we no longer observed missing (or uncounted) objects.  It is possible that some objects have not been accounted for, but we feel this is likely a small number. We apologize for the uncertainty around these reports; we will be working energetically with Nuxeo to get this issue resolved.

Our Getting Nuxeo Extent Stats documentation summarizes the updated reports, with recommendations for incorporating the data into UC Libraries Schedule F annual reports.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Thanks!

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