Online Archive of California system upgrade - planned for June 2025

Posted about 2 months ago by Adrian Turner

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Adrian Turner
Adrian Turner Admin

We are excited to share our plans to upgrade the Online Archive of California (OAC) platform, with the goal of deploying the revamped system in June 2025. This will be a wholesale upgrade of the OAC public interface and targeted back-end improvements.

The OAC upgrade is motivated by the need to modernize the underlying infrastructure with current and well-supported technologies.  At the same time, we are embracing this as an opportunity both to streamline finding aid submissions/publications processes and to ensure that the public interface meets web accessibility standards. Throughout this development and transition period, we intend to support seamless continuity of service for contributors and researchers alike.

Once this upgrade is complete, we will be positioned to make continual, incremental improvements to the service, including the submissions process and the public interface. 

To learn more about the upgrade, please see the project summary on our OAC/Calisphere Contributor Help Center. We will also share regular updates through this contributor mailing list.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

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