ArchivesSpace users contributing to OAC: version 2.7.0 and ARK support

Posted about 5 years ago by Adrian Turner

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Adrian Turner
Adrian Turner Admin

If you use ArchivesSpace to create and submit EAD finding aids to OAC, please note the following information about version 2.7.0 -- which includes a new feature to support Archival Resource Keys (ARKs). ARKs are a type of persistent identifier originally developed by the California Digital Library.

Version 2.7.0 includes a new optional feature that enables automatic creation of ARKs for Resource and Archival Object records, and is intended for organizations that are minting and managing ARKs under their own Name Assigning Authority Number (NAAN). By default, the feature is disabled. For more information, see An Introduction to Archival Resource Keys (ARKs) in ArchivesSpace.

Please note, however, that the OAC currently only supports ARKs minted under CDL's NAAN (13030). When your finding aids are published on OAC, we automatically assign an ARK to it. (The NAAN appears as part of the full ARK-based URL for the finding aid, e.g. Hence, we do not recommend enabling this feature.

Contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions.

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