Nuxeo: support for connector/integration with eScholarship

Posted over 5 years ago by Adrian Turner

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Adrian Turner
Adrian Turner Admin

Campus libraries that are using Nuxeo may be creating and managing content that would be suitable for publication in eScholarship, such as oral histories (e.g., (e.g., For example, the UCI Libraries Southeast Asian Archive collaborates with the Department of Asian American Studies in the School of Humanities on the Viet Stories: Vietnamese American Oral History Project (VAOHP), with the primary goal of capturing first-generation stories for students, researchers, and the community. The content is currently created and managed within UCISpace (, but could be well-suited for management in Nuxeo and publication in eScholarship.

This feature would involve the development of a Nuxeo-to-eScholarship integration, so that campus libraries could designate eScholarship (in lieu of Calisphere) as an additional publication endpoint.

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